25 thoughts on “USA vs Iran – Wrestling World Cup 2012.”
Bruce Steinel
Wow the guy from Iran was very strong. Good match for him. He looked very good here.
he was in the olympics, beat the russian in the 1st round who was considered number 1, then the kyrgztani who was asian champ and had been a top wrestler in russia arguably beating gatsalov in 2010 russian nationals, he beat these guys with a knee injury, he had torn his acl and mcl i think even before the olympics but still wrestled and beat these guys he had to be wheel chaired out in the semi finals.
That little pussy fuck your man up do
That little pussy was lucky that Yazdani was injured. He merely does not deserve the title of Olympic Champion.
Elthadiya WeRone
I love you Iran!
Thank you for sharing this glorious moment.
@cyrus75m Iran is merely a fragment of what it could be. After Greek, Roman, Mongol, Arab etc. invasions and destruction. Not to mention how Iran manages to stay on top with after a revolution, a brutal war with Iraq, and now illegal sanctions. I praise Iran for their strength.
You must be your moms favorite!?
Go educate yourself.
I mean, was this guy in the Olympics 2012 London as well? I know this is from the world cup, bro.
Ya Ali
No this is world cup.
Was this bro in the olympics?
MrLI lipili
hahahahaha :)))))))))
dahanet servis
Ahh Hafez21hafez21 We meet again, how are you old pal?
Yazdani shireh
wrong islam belongs to the whole humankind
islam is not just for arabs
islam is for every good human
mohammed(saws) pointed iran with his finger and said to salman farsi(as) :
your people will save islam not the arabs
look now to iran
iran is country of true islam
the most arabs are traitors
iran is ruled by an elected goverment
and thats very good better than your dirty shah
the shah was a son of a bitch
so my iranian blood is gone if i pray to allah and not to aura mazda?
you are right persians are no muslims
persian is the name fromt he greek to name the people of iran
in past all iranians where called persians
real iranian call themself iranians
and real iranians are ture muslim
real iranians are better muslim than the arabs
im persian we persians dont live in caves we got houses
bia kiramo bokhor XD hahaha
Ya Ali
Baraye maa jomhori eslami melak nist faghat rasool khoda Muhammad va baghye 14 masoumin melak hastand.
Ya Ali
Pas vaghi shoma dalaaele fiziki ro ham rad mikoni peydast ke ahle elm va daanesh va mantegh nisti, va moteasefane 100% Iranihaye mesle shoma ham hamintor tarze tafakoretoon hast. gofti elm manam behet goftam ke daneshmandan fahmidan chizhayi ro ke dar gharn 21 tavanestand kashf bekonand khoda dar ghoraan be oonha eshare karde 1400 saal pish. to doshmanit ba nezame hakem bar Iran hast be eslam hamle mikoni, be ghoraan hamle mikoni, hamin tor ke goftam shomaha surakh dua ro gom kardid.
Ya Ali
Linki raa ke behet dadam negah kon va khodet mifahmi ke kojaye kaari.
Ya Ali
In fekre to hast, kesaani hastan ke az tarighe elm saabet kardand ke ghoraan ketabe aasemanist. Tarze tafakorate materialist ya zede eslami hich chize jadidi nist as gharnha pish boodeh va hamisheh ham baa shekast movajeh shodeh. Din ham azash sooe estefade ziyaad shode ama in ke to betooni farghe dine vaaghei va dine saakhtegi ra bedooni va ya in ke befahmi chekasi dare az dine sooe estefadeh mikoneh va che kasi intor nist niyaz be dark va fahme khasti hast ke harkasi in dark raa nadarad.
Ya Ali
Bale Ghoraan Kalaame khodaast, Eslaam be to yaad mide chegoone zendegi kardan raa. Eslaam be to yaad mide ke chera inja hasti va bayad chekar bekoni. Eslaam baalaa barandeye bashariat hast. Sonnate khodaa rabti be modern boodan yaa naboodan nadare hamaan tor ke maghze ensaan 1000 sale pishe hamintor kaara mikard ke haalaa mikoneh. Khoda ra miparastim chon maa be khoda niyazmandim. Sohbat sare behesh yaa Jahanam nist sohbate sare vaagheyiat hast. Link zire ra negah kon
Ya Ali
Hamleye Araab be Iran yek hamleye khasmane bood, haman kasi ke dokhtar peyghambare mara kosht va khelafat ra az Ali gereft, be Iran ham hamle kard.
Agar emrooz George Bush be Araagh Hamle mikonad, Masihiyat be Iraq hamle nakardeh Goerge Bush khoonkhaar be Iraq hamle kare, dar raabete baa Omar Sunni ham daastaan be hamin soorat ast. Islaam Muhammad va Ali va beghyeye Imamane maa baa mohabat pakhsh shod, Islam Abu Bakr va Omar baa jankg va shamshir, Tamame janghaye Muhammad ham defaei bood.
Wow the guy from Iran was very strong. Good match for him. He looked very good here.
he was in the olympics, beat the russian in the 1st round who was considered number 1, then the kyrgztani who was asian champ and had been a top wrestler in russia arguably beating gatsalov in 2010 russian nationals, he beat these guys with a knee injury, he had torn his acl and mcl i think even before the olympics but still wrestled and beat these guys he had to be wheel chaired out in the semi finals.
That little pussy fuck your man up do
That little pussy was lucky that Yazdani was injured. He merely does not deserve the title of Olympic Champion.
I love you Iran!
Thank you for sharing this glorious moment.
@cyrus75m Iran is merely a fragment of what it could be. After Greek, Roman, Mongol, Arab etc. invasions and destruction. Not to mention how Iran manages to stay on top with after a revolution, a brutal war with Iraq, and now illegal sanctions. I praise Iran for their strength.
You must be your moms favorite!?
Go educate yourself.
I mean, was this guy in the Olympics 2012 London as well? I know this is from the world cup, bro.
No this is world cup.
Was this bro in the olympics?
hahahahaha :)))))))))
dahanet servis
Ahh Hafez21hafez21 We meet again, how are you old pal?
Yazdani shireh
wrong islam belongs to the whole humankind
islam is not just for arabs
islam is for every good human
mohammed(saws) pointed iran with his finger and said to salman farsi(as) :
your people will save islam not the arabs
look now to iran
iran is country of true islam
the most arabs are traitors
iran is ruled by an elected goverment
and thats very good better than your dirty shah
the shah was a son of a bitch
so my iranian blood is gone if i pray to allah and not to aura mazda?
you are right persians are no muslims
persian is the name fromt he greek to name the people of iran
in past all iranians where called persians
real iranian call themself iranians
and real iranians are ture muslim
real iranians are better muslim than the arabs
im persian we persians dont live in caves we got houses
bia kiramo bokhor XD hahaha
Baraye maa jomhori eslami melak nist faghat rasool khoda Muhammad va baghye 14 masoumin melak hastand.
Pas vaghi shoma dalaaele fiziki ro ham rad mikoni peydast ke ahle elm va daanesh va mantegh nisti, va moteasefane 100% Iranihaye mesle shoma ham hamintor tarze tafakoretoon hast. gofti elm manam behet goftam ke daneshmandan fahmidan chizhayi ro ke dar gharn 21 tavanestand kashf bekonand khoda dar ghoraan be oonha eshare karde 1400 saal pish. to doshmanit ba nezame hakem bar Iran hast be eslam hamle mikoni, be ghoraan hamle mikoni, hamin tor ke goftam shomaha surakh dua ro gom kardid.
Linki raa ke behet dadam negah kon va khodet mifahmi ke kojaye kaari.
In fekre to hast, kesaani hastan ke az tarighe elm saabet kardand ke ghoraan ketabe aasemanist. Tarze tafakorate materialist ya zede eslami hich chize jadidi nist as gharnha pish boodeh va hamisheh ham baa shekast movajeh shodeh. Din ham azash sooe estefade ziyaad shode ama in ke to betooni farghe dine vaaghei va dine saakhtegi ra bedooni va ya in ke befahmi chekasi dare az dine sooe estefadeh mikoneh va che kasi intor nist niyaz be dark va fahme khasti hast ke harkasi in dark raa nadarad.
Bale Ghoraan Kalaame khodaast, Eslaam be to yaad mide chegoone zendegi kardan raa. Eslaam be to yaad mide ke chera inja hasti va bayad chekar bekoni. Eslaam baalaa barandeye bashariat hast. Sonnate khodaa rabti be modern boodan yaa naboodan nadare hamaan tor ke maghze ensaan 1000 sale pishe hamintor kaara mikard ke haalaa mikoneh. Khoda ra miparastim chon maa be khoda niyazmandim. Sohbat sare behesh yaa Jahanam nist sohbate sare vaagheyiat hast. Link zire ra negah kon
Hamleye Araab be Iran yek hamleye khasmane bood, haman kasi ke dokhtar peyghambare mara kosht va khelafat ra az Ali gereft, be Iran ham hamle kard.
Agar emrooz George Bush be Araagh Hamle mikonad, Masihiyat be Iraq hamle nakardeh Goerge Bush khoonkhaar be Iraq hamle kare, dar raabete baa Omar Sunni ham daastaan be hamin soorat ast. Islaam Muhammad va Ali va beghyeye Imamane maa baa mohabat pakhsh shod, Islam Abu Bakr va Omar baa jankg va shamshir, Tamame janghaye Muhammad ham defaei bood.