Pavel Pogrebnyak, the former forward from Fulham has been asked to pay a fine by the Russian Football Union of an amount of 250,000 rubles after he suggested that Russia should not be represented by black players. Pavel Pogrebnyak has played for Reading, as well as Fulham during his 3 years England stay. He gave an interview where he raised the question as to why Ari, the striker with Brazilian roots had been given a passport of Russia.

Even though Ari is an under-20 player from Brazil, he has spent a significant part of his senior years playing for Russian football as he became a part of Spartak Moscow in the year 2010. Also, he has represented Krasnodar and Lokomotiv Moscow. His form for Krasnodar has enabled him to secure the 1st two caps from Russia. He has scored 41 goals in about one hundred and twenty-four games for his club since he joined in 2013. He has played 33 matches for his country. However, he has made some controversial comments about the call-up of Ari.
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